Those who know me know that I'm not partial to Apple in any way. Mainly because there's very limited....everything. You can't do everything on a Mac and that's the truth. With that aside, I'm only talking about Android. It's all about personal preference as it is with everything in life.
I've been wanting the Motorola Xoom for the longest. I mean, there are knockoffs of Android Tablets from China for $100+ that work exactly the same. The only downfall is that there is very bad resolution. Who wants to watch videos and etc. with something less that 1080p nowadays?? Not me.
So I went out to Barnes and Noble and bought the Nook Color, being the avid reader that I am (I've wanted the Amazon Kindle forever, but who can pass up a color lcd screen?). What a great machine. For those who don't know- it's based off of an Android OS. I quickly learned that I could convert it into a fully running Android Tablet (YAY!). When doing that though, it voids your warranty (WAAAHH! lol). Then I learned how to boot the tablet straight off the sd card so that it bypasses all of that wackness. And Voila! It's a fully running tablet when the sd card is inserted. And when I want to use the basic B&N Nook, I simply take out the sd awesome.
Now I'm running the Kindle App on the Nook =D
Watching Netflix on my Nook |
Anyone interested in buying a sd card? Contact me and I'll hook you up. It beats paying $600+ on a tablet. The Nook is only $250. AND you get the Android Market.